Welcome to A Dream of Scarlet Plus-Fours

Showcasing the creative works, and stuff, of one Aardvark123 Esq
(The plus-fours aren't the main feature; they're largely conceptual.)

~Skyrim Mod Recommendations~

Here is a list of mods, which I recommend, for Skyrim.

~Important Patches~

- Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch

A mod that fixes thousands of bugs and inconsistencies with Skyrim. It's useful for removing annoyances and making sure some parts of the game actually work.

The unofficial patch has been quite controversial over the years. Its lead developer, Arthmoor, is known for stubbornly insisting that Shor's Stone should have secret quicksilver deposits instead of secret ebony deposits, getting similar patches taken off Nexus Mods for copyright reasons, hiding older patches for outdated Skyrim versions, and being very right-wing. However, it does enough to improve the game that I still sort of recommend it.

Available For Developers Requirements
Skyrim Special Edition; a similar "Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch" is available for Legendary Edition The Unofficial Patch Project Team None
Main page: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/266
Download for Skyrim version 1.5.79: https://www.nexusmods.com/Core/Libs/Common/Widgets/DownloadPopUp?id=209150&game_id=1704
Download for Skyrim version 1.6.640: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/266?tab=files&file_id=392477

- Skyrim Misc Fixes Pack

The Skyrim Misc Fixes Pack is a smaller mod in the vein of the Unofficial Patch. It makes a lot of nitty-gritty changes to Skyrim's inner workings, on things like spell mechanics, NPC equipment and abilities, levelled lists for shops and loot, and which things are affected by what perks. You probably won't need the Misc Fixes Pack if you have mods to overhaul everything, but for a light set of mods, it will be helpful.

Available For Developers Requirements
Skyrim Special Edition ExpensiveLadder Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch

- Adoption Spouse and Moving Fixes

A mod to fix quite a few problems with adoption, bringing your partner to live with you, and so on; problems that became much, much worse when the Creation Club, Anniversary Edition and Verified Creator Programme happened to Skyrim. Adoption Spouse and Moving Fixes fixes a lot of problems where adopted children would get "stuck" in the radiant story manager and fail to come home, your whole family would get "stuck" and fail to move house, your children would give you nonexistent presents, your family wouldn't know what to say about Creation Club houses, children who've died would still try to move house with you, and so on.

Available For Developers Requirements
Skyrim Special Edition JakeAlaimo None

~Gameplay Overhauls~

- SUMMER: Skyrim Universally ‘Mursive Mechanical Expansion & Recalibration

The most "full-on" gameplay overhaul I'd recommend. SUMMER balances a lot of Skyrim's game mechanics and adds a lot of new ones, including parrying and dodging, stamina costs and aim-shake for bows, a disguise system, non-lethal knock-out attacks, unarmed combat build into the one-handed skill, several new types of spell, and more damage from jumping off cliffs. It's split into eighteen modules from which you can pick and choose freely.

Although it's a lot to take in, SUMMER meshes nicely with Skyrim, adding depth and new options which build on what mechanics Skyrim had already without feeling tacked on. With it, you probably won't need a dedicated magic mod like Mysticism.

Available For Developers Requirements
Skyrim Special Edition, with outdated Legendary Edition version Destructor36 SKSE is required.
Spell Perk Item Distributor, SkyUI, PowerOfThree's Tweaks and SSE Engine Fixes are needed for minor features.

- Valravn - Integrated Combat of Skyrim

Valravn makes a lot of improvements to how combat works, in particular making Stamina more important for warriors and archers, balancing stat regeneration and armour, and allowing you to make "attacks of opportunity" against opponents when they're vulnerable. It takes a fairly restrained approach that builds on the game mechanics Skyrim already has, and in my view makes it feel a lot better to play.

Ideally, you should only have one combat overhaul at a time, like Valravn or Blade and Blunt (see below). Feel free to research all the mods and choose whichever one you like; I do recommend Valravn, though.

Available For Developers Requirements
Skyrim Special Edition, with third-party Legendary Edition version EnaiSiaion None

- Blade and Blunt - A Combat Overhaul

Blade and Blunt is a combat mod similar to Valravn, but using SKSE to add some deeper mechanics: different Stamina costs for sprinting in different armour, different stagger amounts for power attacks with different weapons, automatic "interrupts" when you bash at the right moment, and a Stamina cost for sneaking. It even includes an injury system which kicks in below half health, allowing enemies to give you injuries that last until you sleep in a bed.

Blade and Blunt has a harsh approach to balance that can be difficult to get to grips with, but it's well-made and consistent, and adds a strategic element to fights that improves on what Skyrim has to offer. I recommend using the vanilla damage multipliers patch at first, and only taking that out if you fancy a more serious challenge.

Available For Developers Requirements
Skyrim Special Edition SimonMagus and Colinswrath SKSE, Address Library for SKSE Plugins, Dual Casting Fix, Scrambled Bugs, and Spell Perk Item Distributor

- Paradigm - A Quick Start Overhaul

A simple mod which lets you start a new adventure outside the Helgen caves, skipping the tutorial, but otherwise starting the main quest as normal with Ralof of Hadvar directing you towards Riverwood. Paradigm also lets you choose from twenty-one sets of starting equipment and spells.

Available For Developers Requirements
Skyrim Special Edition JechtShotMK9 and ThirdEyeSqueegee None

- Underwhelming Multiple Followers

A useful mod which, in the simplest possible way, allows you to bring up to three followers around. While having three followers can throw off the game's balance, it's fun to bring a team sometimes, and not so much "unbalanced" as "necessary" if you have a difficult mod like Vominheim. Having three followers opens up new role-playing and story possibilities: suppose Lydia, Derkeethus, and Adelaisa Vendicci walked into a bar...

Available For Developers Requirements
Skyrim Special Edition Larsepan None; optional menu with SKSE and SkyUI

~Perk Mods~

- Vokrii - Minimalistic Perks of Skyrim

Vokrii is quite a comprehensive perk mod, which expands Skyrim's perk trees with more options for gameplay and better perks where they might have been lacking. It replaces tedious default perks, such as the five ranks of Armsman which each add 20% more One-Handed Weapon Damage, with scaling perks such as One-Handed Mastery, where you "buy into" the skill for a damage bonus that grows with your one-handed skill. It also removes some perks which were unfairly good, such as unbreakable lockpicks, or the damage reflection you can get from heavy armour.

Many of Vokrii's new perks add new ways to engage with the game; for example, crafting armour padding in Smithing, using telekinesis in combat with Alteration, get better at unarmed combat through Light Armour, use more effective Shouts via Speechcraft, or reprogramme Dwemer robots with Lockpicking. It gives you a lot more ways to design a character than Skyrim has on its own.

Vokrii also changes skill scaling and experience gain "behind the scenes" to improve problems such as not getting much experience from enchanting, getting too much experience from enchanting, or smithing taking forever to level up.

Available For Developers Requirements
Skyrim Special Edition and Legendary Edition EnaiSiaion None

- Adamant - A Perk Overhaul

Adamant is a similar mod to Vokrii, and they can't both be used at the same time. Adamant changes up all of Skyrim's perks and adds new ways to use game mechanics, such as Alteration perks which power up your magic in unarmoured robes, Block perks adding more useful effects to shield or weapon bashing, and Restoration and Conjuration perks to make shrine blessings more effective. It takes a more restrained approach than Vokrii, not adding anything "new" like Dwemer automaton hacking, but trying to bring the best out of what Skyrim already has.

Whether Adamant or Vokrii is better, I cannot say. They both come highly recommended. If I were you, I'd read all about both mods on their respective pages before deciding which one to use.

There are also some optional add-ons adding to Adamant's array of skill trees, notably the bard add-on, which allows you to play instruments for temporary bonuses; and the hand-to-hand add-on, which adds an unarmed combat skill tree, while also condensing Lockpicking and Pickpocket into one combined skill. I do recommend these for the extra gameplay options, although unlike regular Adamant, the add-ons need SKSE and other framework mods.

Available For Developers Requirements
Skyrim Special Edition SimonMagus Mysticism; some add-ons have further requirements

- Hand to Hand - An Adamant Addon

Adamant's most prominent add-on, with its own page and a sizeable list of requirements.

Available For Developers Requirements
Skyrim Special Edition SimonMagus, Colinswrath and Jelidity Mysticism, Adamant, SKSE, Address Library for SKSE Plugins, Keyword Item Distributor, Spell Perk Item Distributor, and Scrambled Bugs

- Perks Plus Plus - Vanilla Perks Improved

A very light and restrained alternative to the other perk overhaul mods. Perks Plus Plus alters and rearranges a few default perks to balance them and make them more user-friendly, as well as adding just Two (2) new perks, which let you use sun magic on living targets or get more damage from non-elemental Destruction spells.

Available For Developers Requirements
Skyrim Special Edition Admiral30 None

~Magic Mods~

- Mysticism - A Magic Overhaul

Mysticism makes a lot of changes to improve the magic-usage experience in Skyrim, inlcuding balance changes to nearly every spell, letting scrolls and staves benefit from your magic perks, and making sales-wizards sell a lot more staves and scrolls. It also adds plenty of new spells, such as animal- and skeleton-based Conjuration summons, Alteration spells that weaken enemies, and the full sets of poison and sun magic under Restoration.

Available For Developers Requirements
Skyrim Special Edition SimonMagus None

- Odin - Skyrim Magic Overhaul

Odin is a fairly similar mod to Mysticism, which tweaks Skyrim's default spells, adds many more spells to choose from, improves how staves and scrolls work and makes sure court wizards have some for sale. Its spells include some fun new options like building walls or bridges through Alteration, summoning familiars that give you a bonus just by being there, or calling illusory spirits to distract your enemies.

Part of Odin's focus is helping magic scale into the late game, such as by allowing conjured Daedra to level with the player, and giving Illusion spells a chance of working on stronger opponents instead of a strict level limit. It also lets you find quite a few master-level scrolls in random treasure.

Available For Developers Requirements
Skyrim Special Edition and Legendary Edition EnaiSiaion None

~Other Gameplay Mods~

- True Directional Movement

A useful mod which allows your character to turn and move independently from the camera in third-person view. Basically, it lets them move in all (true) directions, instead of walking sideways and backing up towards the camera. It also improves horseback archery, lets you lock onto enemies and face them automatically, swim upwards and downwards, and use homing projectiles.

Available For Developers Requirements
Skyrim Special Edition and Legendary Edition Ershin Required: SKSE and Address Library for SKSE Plugins
For some features: SkyUI, MCM Helper, TrueHUD, and a patch generated in Nemesis Unlimited Behaviour Engine

~Weather and Lighting Mods~

- RAID Weathers

A very beautiful, lovingly-crafted weather mod which makes Skyrim gorgeous, with beautiful sunsets and lush banks of fog. It was designed to balance stealth and detection with the player's own ability to see; at night or in dense fog, you should have as much chance of seeing a nearby enemy as they will of seeing you.

Available For Developers Requirements
Skyrim Special Edition and Legendary Edition The late OlivierDoorenbos None, although Realistic AI Detection by the same author is recommended.

- Realistic AI Detection (RAID)

RAID actually came before RAID Weathers, and is a do-over for stealth gameplay and detection mechanics. RAID makes NPCs rather more likely to see you when you try to sneak in broad daylight, placing an emphasis on staying in the shadows and avoiding your enemies' line of sight. A lot of jokes have been made that stealth archery is the best way to play Skyrim, and RAID will indeed make it more of a challenge.

Available For Developers Requirements
Skyrim Special Edition and Legendary Edition The late OlivierDoorenbos None

- Mythical Ages - Weather and Lighting Overhaul

Another weather mod, and possibly my favourite one so far. It keeps the weather natural-looking and Skyrimesque, but also gorgeous, soft and sun-soaked, or bathed in luscious banks of fog, with beautiful, glowing sunsets and northern lights. It also allows you to select a visual "mood" for the overall look of the game.

Available For Developers Requirements
Skyrim Special Edition SirArindel None

- Aequinoctium - Weathers and Seasons

Aequinoctium was made by the same author as Mythical Ages, but with a more understated, real-world approach to its weather. It goes for crisp winter mornings with pale blue skies, soft banks of fog rolling over the forest, dark clouds full of heavy rain, cold yet beautiful sunshine, and the pale turquoise glow of the northern lights.

Available For Developers Requirements
Skyrim Special Edition SirArindel None

~Character Models and Texture Packs~

- Simply Skin - Female Texture Replacer and Male Texture Replacer

Two mods full of nice, but real-looking face and body textures for humanoid characters, including Argonians and Khajiit. They cover all the base textures, but not the tint-maps for individual characters. The textures are 2K and occasionally 4K, which will be handy if you like squinting at the tiny little pores on your character's nose, but it may be worth scaling them down to ease on memory usage.

Available For Developers Requirements
Skyrim Special Edition SpringHeelJon None
Women's: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/98131
Men's: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/107637

- Variations

A texture pack for most of the armour, weaponry and clothing in Skyrim, with improved models for some outfits and weapons. Variations has 1K textures and quite a real, grounded look that suits Skyrim. Notably, it replaces the models for some women's armour to remove an overemphasis on the bust. If you don't want big texture packs, I'd recommend Variations as more of a medium-sized big texture pack.

Available For Developers Requirements
Skyrim Special Edition sforzinda None

- Faces of Oblivion

A mod to give humanoid characters a better range of facial expressions. Faces of Oblivion is inspired by the bold, cartoonish animation style of Oblivion (the previous The Elder Scrolls game), but it makes Skyrim's characters look more expressive without feeling silly.

Available For Developers Requirements
Skyrim Special Edition CinnaMewRoll None

~World Models and Texture Packs~

- Enhanced Landscapes - Grass Standalone

Despite being just the grass bit of a larger mod, this is one of my favourite grass texture packs. Enhanced Landscapes - Grass Standalone has nice, natural-looking replacement textures for every type of grass, without looking too pretty or out-of-place for Skyrim. Some of the default grass in Skyrim looks a bit rough, so I do recommend a grass texture pack.

Available For Developers Requirements
Skyrim Special Edition TheBone98, using work from AceeQ None

- Nordic Snow

A mod which makes the snow in Skyrim look much nicer. Skyrim has a lot of snow, but its default snow looks slightly grey and gloopy under decent lighting. Nordic Snow makes the snow look crunchy, white and fluffy, and I do recommend it even if you aren't interested in Texture Packs for Everything.

Available For Developers Requirements
Skyrim Special Edition; see HQ Snow Texture by the same author for Legendary Edition Erik1988 None, but it benefits from Better Dynamic Snow, plus the corresponding patch from ProjectedDiffuse Patch Hub.

~World and City Mods~

~Enemy and Creature Mods~

~Equipment Mods~

- Awesome Artifacts

A mod to improve all the unique weapons and armour in Skyrim, including all the ones added by the unbalanced, cheaply-made "Creations" bundled with the Anniversary Edition. Awesome Artifacts adds fun, unique effects to a lot of items, and improves on ones which might have felt weak.

Available For Developers Requirements
Skyrim Special Edition, with earlier version for Legendary Edition.
Ported to xBox 1 and PlayStation 4 on Bethesda.net.
Argonil Required: Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch
Recommended: Jumping Bonus Fix or PowerOfThree's Tweaks, Guard Dialogue Overhaul, and WACCF

~Quests and Story Mods~

~Smaller Touches~