Fallout Art Gallery
There are all the artworks what I done for the Fallout series, the post-nuclear RPGs by Interplay and later Bethesda. Many of them are of original characters I played in those games, such as Poppy, who is lovely when you get to know her.

A pencil drawing of Piper Wright, wearing her signature red Hunter wellies. (What? What do you mean, I made that up? Of course they're her signature item of clothing, alongside the hat!)

Gracie Cutesman-Pieworthy, my character from Fallout 3. Gracie is a kind-hearted apprentice doctor and undefeated champion boxer.

Piper and Cait, crying. (Cait's probably wishing she had some wellies of her own, but that's a conversation for another time.)

Poppy, another character I played in Fallout 3. She wears her hair in a bun.

Yoko Fujiwara, my character from Fallout: New Vegas. Yoko is a noble, courageous warrior who believes in freedom and civil responsibility, two ideals it took her a while to reconcile. She's trans, because she's from Fallout: New Vegas, and loves Sunset Sarsaparilla.

Minh Vu, my character from Fallout 4. Minh is as tough as nails, but with a kind heart underneath those nails. She was very, very disappointed with how ineffective minuguns are in Fallout 4.

Minh again, wishing she could eat the Slocum's Joe mascot's nose. (The mascot is an anthropomorphic doughnut with quite a long nose.)

My other other Fallout 3 character, Macha Inegun, a tough, adventurous heavy weapons expert with a heart (and boots, sometimes) of gold. Will I have a Fallout character with blue wellingtons someday, and complete the trifecta of primary colours? Who knows?