Miscellaneous Art Gallery, Page 2
This is where my artworks go when they don't fit in any of the other categories, or there aren't quite enough of them to be worth a whole page. Enjoy.

Eleanora Rush, the Dragoon I played as in Final Fantasy XIV.

A propaganda poster featuring Kami from Particle Fleet: Emergence. Particle Fleet has you using an "atomic lathe" to defeat enemy particle emitters.

Aerith from Final Fantasy VII offers you a "cup of Tifa".

This is an original character, Tshepo Motlhabane the Spearful Cheerwoman-- Wait, no. That's wrong. She is a Cheerful Spearwoman.

Another picture of Tshepo, her cheerfulness, and her spearfulness.

The residuals from Darkstalkers aren't enough to live on during the cost-of-living crisis, so Lilith and Morrigan Aensland were forced to get part-time jobs. Lilith became a primary-school teacher - this is her teaching a phonics lesson, which will probably get her fired.

Morrigan Aensland became a builder. Construction engineering was a good choice for Morrigan, since she's fit and enjoys hands-on work. It can get a bit tiresome pushing the wheelbarrow back and forth, though.

Linkle, who sadly (tragically, criminally) only appeared in one The Legend of Zelda spin-off.

Morrigan at work again, this time correcting one of the signs with a marker pen.

A scene from Star Trek: Discovery. This took place the end of series 3, shortly after Michael becomes the Red Angel and has to fight Minister Osyraa, the leader of the Emerald Chain, at the heart of the Federation's crystalline space station. Yes, this is EXACTLY how it happened.