~Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Photo Album~
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is a brilliant Metroid Vania, which means it's an action platform game with different paths to take and abilities to unlock, the sort of game where you need to kick every wall and read the GameFAQs page. It's great fun, with loveable characters, and only a handful of boss fights which can induce world-shattering rage and despair. (See Zangetsu below.)
It was directed by Koji Igarashi, who was responsible for some of the most loved Castlevania games, from which Metroid Vanias get their Vania. (I haven't a clue where "Metroid" comes from, though.) Disillusioned with Konami's modern strategy, which was to avoid making new Castlevanias or doing anything remotely decent, Igarashi decided to crowd-fund his own game with blackjack and Shardbinders. The rest was history.

Miriam the Shardbinder in her element: jumping over things.

Ben interrogates Miriam about her unique fashion sense.

A classic Miriam look.

Zangetsu in his element: chopping Miriam, burning Miriam, throwing shurikens at Miriam, freezing Miriam (later), electrocuting Miriam (later), swinging Miriam around and throwing her at the walls (er, what?), and dropping statues on Miriam (Zangetsu, come on, now.).

Todd the cursed barber shows off his lovely portrait of Dominique, the reliable, good-natured procurement specialist from the church. Also pictured are Miriam and the Silver Knight.

The Carabosse treats us to her vocal arrangement of the Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night theme song, complete with backing piano.

Another good Miriam look.

Miriam admires a painting.

Miriam has had enough of your bullshit.
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