~Linhalaith's The Lord of the Rings Online Picture Diary~
The Lord of the Rings Online is a well-established MMORPG set in Middle-earth, the richly detailed European fantasy world immortalised in J.R.R. Tolkien's literary works. I decided to make an SSLP in it.
What you're about to read is the picture diary of Linhalaith, a kind and courageous Elvish warrior with a camera and a very full scrapbook. I aim to cover everything from the tutorial lands of Thorin's Gate, to the unknown place where I'll probably get bored of The Lord of the Rings Online in a few months.
Chapter 4: Avorthal Lives
Linhalaith had had a nice summer holiday in the Shire (pictures to come later), but not overlong was she to be estranged from the troubles of the world. The ranger Langlas had contacted her with shocking news: Avorthal was alive!
"Not overlong estranged from the troubles of--?! What are you TALKING about?!" scoffed Linhalaith. "I know Tolkien loved his heightened vocabulary and flowery, almost fairy-tale prose, but you, by my pinkish pair of pantaloons, are just typing drivel!"
...Fine. Linhalaith hoofed it back to Ered Luin, where Langlas grabbed her and took her to, I dunno, some mountainy place or whatever.

Linhalaith, hoofing it, aided by her horse Bilberry

Langlas and Linhalaith, approaching Some Mountainy Place
They killed some Dourhand soldiers and found their, um, Evil Chimney Monument, where whatsisname came in with the bad news.

Avorthal, assuming he actually existed - Linhalaith still wasn't completely buying it - had been taken to Kheledul, the Dourhand clan's port city. So Linhalaith, with the Metal Gear Solid theme song playing in her head, sneaked her way into Kheledul...

She tiptoed past the guards (actually, no, she killed most of the guards) and found her way to the docks, where on a boat, sunning himself, she espied the man himself. Avorthal! He WAS real!

Linhalaith hopped onto the ship, killed several sailors, and untied Avorthal.
"Good lady, how my heart leaps at your arrival! This ship, the Irestone, it is bound for lands far away, and I have heard the whispers of the crew late at night. By my kidnapping, the revenant King Skorgrim means to turn the Elves of Duillond and Celondim against not only the Dourhands, but all the Dwarves of Ered Luin! Namely, the Longbeard Clan, who are the only other Dwarfish political entity in the region!"
Linhalaith's horror was writ large o'er her handsome face. "The depravity of that so-called King! He leads his clan not merely with dishonour, but with dire cruelty that would better have lain dead. A war in Ered Luin will have no winners but the wolves, and whomever is paid to dig the cemetaries."
"Alas, I fear a winner does factor in Skorgrim's plan," Avorthal spoke grimly. "Skorgrim Dourhand has raised a goblin army in the cleft of Rath Teraig. If Elves were pushed to make war on Dwarves as long before, the goblins would sweep through what remained of our armies. But united, we may yet oppose them!"
Enough! Enough, you pair of pixies! I'm putting away the thesaurus. Er, someone jumped these two on the way off the boat...

Mr Purple Shirt Geezer didn't last long. Linhalaith hoofed it over to Rath Teraig...

Linhalaith and Bilberry, hoofing it once more
Avorthal's mate Athal was there to help, and some other soldiers, probably. Soldiers from Celondim and, what was it, Gondamon? Right, Gondamon, that's probably the place.

Some old bat called Sara Oakheart was being held prisoner by the goblins. Linhalaith untied her and packed her off home, certain she'd try and keep herself out of trouble in future.

And finally, they contronted Skorgrim himself...

...Who ran away in a cutscene before Avorthal could get the rope around him. Result! Oh, hang on, no. Not result. Well, the git can't exactly go far with his bad knee, so it's job done far as I'm concerned.